Chad Jasmin Speaks at AARS Meeting
June 22, 2022

Wi-Tronix VP of Sales and Customer Experience, Chad Jasmin, spoke at the American Association of Railroad Superintendents’ 124th Annual Meeting, held locally at the Swissotel in Chicago this year. The AARS was founded in 1881, with a modern mission to serve the networking, educational, and developmental needs of the railroad industry. The annual meeting is a chance for industry professionals to share their insights and successes with peers.
As a Technical Session speaker at this year’s meeting, Chad led a powerful discussion ranging from how the Wi-Tronix solution is leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) with onboard locomotive cameras, to real-time alert use cases, to even providing a walk-through of Violet View, our web-based player. “It’s always nice to attend industry events and see familiar faces where we can collectively share ideas on how we can jointly grow, innovate, and expand in the communities we serve,” said Chad.
If you missed out on Chad’s presentation, you can learn about the Wi-Tronix solution at on our Products and Solutions page or contact our team directly.